(too old to reply)
Dr. AR Wingnutte, PhD
2014-10-10 16:56:49 UTC




First of all, if you have read this entire website, you will
understand that something is wrong with the system in general. But,
you dont have to go far, to be able to realize that most of the
systems of the world are in shambles; no matter where you are at, no
matter what the issue is concerning, or what is happening. All people
must realize that, "All bad can be a seed for good"; as in this case,
it just happened to be that we were dealing with the Mold
Issue. We most likely would not have found the proper medical
attention, had all of this went any other way than it did. We must
look to bright side of things in this regard. The sad part of all of
this, is that we worry that there are folks like ourselves out there,
that are very sick, and/or not waking up today, tomorrow, or, have
in the past, from possibly death due to this. What we
have uncovered, most folks will never know anything about, unless
someone tells them, like this story, as we feel is meant to tell, not
coverup, so as to put others years ahead of where we started out,
trying to figure out all of this! I will make reference to several
different entities, subjects of interest, quotes and other types of
material, as to relate to what we are trying to depict, in a
truthful manner.

"All truth passes through 3 stages; first, it is ridiculed, second,
is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self evident"
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

MS has been rated the most corrupt judicial system in the nation.

MS has been rated the worst healthcare system in the nation. 2007

MS has been rated the worst for infant mortality in the nation. 2007

MS has almost always been rated the poorest state in the nation,
record keeping data started.

MS was exposed to the worst natural disaster in the nations history.
2005/Hurricane Katrina

MS has many other low, if not the lowest ratings in the nation, in
many other areas as well.

With all of these points made, MS has many good attributes as well,
and some better than many of the other states, but, in most any
society, civilization or country, as I've probbaly visited appx. 20
countries myself; you will always notice that the worst of the worst,
usually always comes out of the poorest regions on earth, and that
people of these regions suffer the most, most always at the hands of
the "well-to-do", or the "higher-ups"; and in proportion to an
individuals rankings monetarily, in that area, is usually
the determining factor in their outcome, in most of the areas of
lives and or livelihood. It is somewhat like a cast system if you
to call it that, or a pecking order. A man once told me that MS is
Mexcio of America. In some ways it could be viewed this way I am
even though I love my home here. I have reservations about what I am
beginning to see and learn now, that most people would have never
dreamed of, had they not walked in my shoes. We all know, that most
anywhere you go, can be as bad as another area, possibly in just
different ways. We just happened to be in MS where our demise took
place, so naturally, we started investigating, to see what we were up
against and why?

An interesting (Article & Podcast of John Grisham), being interviewed
by Bill Moyers on PBS, I thought really summed up, in more words than
one, what is going on in some of the political arenas, especially in
MS. Grisham is getting into some non-fiction books and stories now,
but as he states, it comes with a lot of investigating and extra
Word has it, that he is now in Stealth Mode, as far as being able to
contact Grisham, as media circles depict, due to death threats, etc.
Anyone that can read between the lines, can understand why many
politicians have not been too happy with his work and what it
Bill Moyers, as we have learned, was displaced from some of his media
endeavours at one time or another, due primarily from his airing
certain particular controversial things, that some of the mainstream
media were not happy seeing exposed. Moyers return to the spotlight,
as we have since learned, was due primarily from popular demand and a
public outcry. The 30-minute Podcast/Video, of Grisham & Moyers
Interview, which is in readable format as well is: http://

This is another very interesting article, that appeared in a
Mississippi News Publication, the "Jackson Free Press". This article
exposes many issues that you might not hear through typical media
avenues. This article will shed light on a real problem in MS,
especially regarding Insurance. It will help one better understand
deep some of the issues go. This article sheds light on the Dicky
Scruggs issue; including the mention of others, like Trent Lott, Paul
Minor, Oliver Diaz, Etc. It is an eye-opener to many in MS, as well
across the country. One could possibly speculate, that this
article, directly &/or indirectly, correlates with what John Grisham
depicts in the above link. This will help many understand that the
corporate conglomerates, such as many large insurance companies, do
not take lightly as per being exposed, as well as being made pay
debts to society & their policyholders. It depicts the same scenario
that has been around for years; whereby many insurance companies and
large corporations had rather pay the politicians and attorneys,
versus the public and/or plaintiffs which have been wronged. This
basically enlightened us, as to what we were up against. Most who
read this article, state that there was wrong doing by most named
defendants, but, when one looks at the big picture, and the entire
scope of this in it's entirety, it is very scary! A friend of mine,
upon viewing this article, stated; "We Are Now Living In A Fascist
Dictatorship". (This goes back to the saying, "The One Who Owns The
Gold, Rules"). The Link is: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=15380_0_9_0_C

"The marvel of all history, is the patience with which men and women,
submit to burdens unneccessarily laid upon them by their
George Washington

I had several friends & relatives, who frequented my trial that we
lost in; some of these people were fluent in understanding legal
procedures unlike ourselves. They came offering counsel and support.
Many of them believed that even if we had won this case, no matter
what the verdict or outcome would have been monetarily, that most
surely there would have been an appeal, so as not to set a
or let this information that we had, leak out to the public or
In other words, several of the people who came and sat with us,
that we knew too much about the Mold Issue, and that most of the
entities involved here, would do just about anything to keep this
quiet. This is not to mention, that the mobile home industry, with
the flaws we found with them, could possibly be exposed as well. Our
case actually was a double or triple threat to too many entities
involved, whether directly or indirectly.

During the course of the years that we have been involved in this
case, I had been warned by numerous people; including law-enforcement
officials, attorneys, business owners, etc., to be careful about
you know". Thus meaning that I/we, were up against serious money
and that these people would use any methods to try and stop this
information from being revealed.


*Sometimes, before some of our legal proceedings, we would recieve
obscene phone calls with unlisted numbers, which we assumed were
accidental miss calls. None of these happened at any other times, and
havent since.

*We have had nearby neighbors, mention that they had people in the
community tell them, that we were just suing to get money from the
entities involved in this case, and that we werent sick at all. Of
course none of these people have ever seen the home, or investigated
or looked at our medical bills either.

*The most bizarre incident came when a candidate for sheriff, came by
my home one day, stating that a certain individual in the community,
who lived closeby, had shown him a pile of video tapes, and told him
that we were dealing drugs, and that he had been monitoring our home
and business for years now, and that he wanted him to help him
incriminate us should he be elected. It has been the laugh of the
community, not to mention, what an idiot. First of all, any drug
dealer I have ever heard of, steers clear of the juducial system,
or trying to do what is morally right, second of all, if this were
true, why would we be fighting for what is rightfully ours that we
have lost, as we would naturally have plenty of money if this were
case, and want out of the spotlight with the legal system entirely,
furthermore, going up against a system with big money, while our
whole family was sick at the same time, and trying to get well, not
mention, some of the people we knew, that had quit talking to us in
the community, not only due to one of the entities we were suing, and
his ties to many of the people in our community, due to his long
established business and political influence in the area. We have
always wondered if big insurance, or any of the entities being sued
might have been behind this. A lady who had been in a terrible Mold
lawsuit out in Texas, that recieved national attention, reccomended
that we watch a particular movie called, "Runaway Jury", as she said
it depicts the lengths that some insurance comapnies will go, to get
something on you or to set you up, especially if you are onto
something that could cost them huge sums of money. She mentioned that
on 2 seperate occassions, that men broke in her home during her
lawsuit, and she actually shot one of the men in the back with a

* We had a man working at our home one day while we were at a legal
proceeding. He stated that his truck was parked where it could not be
seen from the road, as he was raking leaves and loading them into his
truck behind our home. He stated that a vehicle drove up the
and as he saw it, he went to it, and asked the man what he needed. He
stated that the man said that he had worked for me years ago, and was
just coming by to say hello. We have an electronic gate, so he asked
the man how he got in, and he said the man showed him a large device
like a programming analyzer, that he said he got in the gate with, my
man said he had never seen a gate opener like this one before, as he
knew ours all looked the same. He said the man left immeadilately
after seeing that I wasnt home. How odd we thought, we sell
we meet by appointment due to owning 2 businesses that we run, and
this has never happened before.

*The day of our first trial, whereby the judge recused himself, we
were at home, getting ready for a 9AM trial, I smelled smoke, looked
out our window, and appx. 1/4 mile away at my office, I saw a large
fire burning at appx. 6AM. Of course, this is where we had a place to
burn wood at times, but it was starting to get into the field before
could get to it. I put the fire out immeadiately. Then, what really
concerned me; was that we were in a severe drought and under a burn-
ban, for actually everything south of I-20/appx. 75 miles away. This
would have burned up not only my land, but possibly all the
neighboring woodlands that our lands join. How convenient to not be
able to be at a trial you have been waiting almost 3 years for, not
mention, possibly being arrested for arson, etc.

Since this Legal Undertaking of ours started; we have never seen the
likes of how popular our property has become. (Sometimes
I've wondered
if we owned land that now had acquired some type of hidden secrets or
treasures, that surely we dont know about)! We've had everything
Grave-Seekers, Artifact & Relic-Hunters, Lost and/or Delerious, as
well as possibly Drug-Crazed Tresspassers, People wanting permission
to fish in water 3-6 inches deep, near a road/bridge, then to see
these same peoples relatives, running on foot, from this same area,
as to get in their cars to race away, when traffic or we would
approach our gate to leave our property, of course we had not granted
any permission as well. One and/or two women at a time, coming to our
business, so as to buy heavy equipment, and/or farm related
of course never purchasing anything, but some we could tell were
drinking, and/or using drugs, some were just plain provocative
men. People inviting you on their property, so as when you arrive,
they then try to initiate an incident or fight, then thereafter,
usually every time you see them, are nice again, and continue to
invite you to come over to their property again to see them, and/or
have issues they call you usually at night about, we presume to get
back on their property. There are other issues as well, but how
ironic, in 20 years of doing business, as well as a lifetime of never
facing any of these odd occurrences, they all transpire while engaged
in this legal delimna.

*There were many former employees, as well as others, who had worked
for this mobile home dealer that we purchased our home from, who I
from time to time, usually from being out in the public, that would
tell me they were sorry about what all had happened to my family, and
even wanted to know if we had ever been compenstated for our losses.
These people would even provide damning evidence about some of the
atrocities that they saw this dealer commit, some of them would go
into details about why and how this happened to us. They sometimes
would mention that some of the same things that happened to our home,
they had seen happen to others years before this/our delimna. Later,
when I and my attorney went to see them in person, they either
remember anything. or simply wouldnt talk, but the ones that would,
would tell everything that they knew, but asked that we not drag them
into court. We understood that they were for the most part scared.

*The saddest part about all of this, is that we have lost a few
friends over this, and even had a few relatives that didnt want
anything to do with us, or this issue anymore. For the most part, it
was because they didnt want to have to testify, and/or verify as to
what they had seen with this home, that they knew for a fact, was
wrong, but would have put them at an inconvienence, or at odds with
some of the social fabric in the community that some of the people we
were bucking would not like.

*There are other things that happened, that are really bizarre, but
cannot be proven, but are well documented, but, what really matters
here, is that the people get the proper information with this
in its entirety, so as to help other families or those deling with
of these type delimnas. Ours just happened to be Mold!

"When your one step ahead of the crowd, your a genius, when your two
steps ahead, your a crackpot!"
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin (Feb. 1998)

Bloggers/Comments/Postings: http://blog.moldcankillyou.com

Online Store/Merchant Account/Medical & Media Tools & Resources:

Copyright 2007-2011. Tommy Riley. All rights reserved.

Dr. AR Wingnutte, PhD
2014-10-11 02:20:35 UTC
Symptoms of Fungal Exposure (Mycotoxicosis)

Susan Lillard-Roberts

Mold toxicity is often the end result with constant exposure to mold
of a toxic substance. A common misconception among allergists who are
untrained in this type of toxicity levels in humans, which is
technically not their area of expertise unless they have trained
specifically in environmental medicine with their background in
immunology, is to do general allergen testing. Most tests usually
result in an unequivocal result, a 2+ or less. This induces some
physicians to order allergy shots, regardless. These shots are
absolutely worthless (and could possibly be harmful) to a person who
has been heavily exposed to these mycotoxins as they are already in a
state of toxicity. If anything, this could exacerbate the problem.
Because many doctors are not trained in this field, they may try to
"guess" at a diagnosis.

In laymen's terms, molds produce mycotoxins. These substances,
although unseen by the naked eye, are ingested and then enter the body
through the skin, mucous and airways. Once ingested, mold has the
requirements to colonize and spread. In doing this, it can compromise
the immune system and damage everyday processes of the body. Mold and
yeast are interchangeable only in their dimorphic state, which is
often a big misconception, although both are fungi. There has been a
theory of a connection between Autism Spectrum Disorder onset and
Candida Albicans in the body. New studies are being conducted during
the first quarter of 2006. Updates will follow.

Fungi, which include yeasts, moulds, smuts and mushrooms, are
responsible for causing four types of mycotic (fungal) disease:

1. Hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction to moulds and spores;

2. Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by food products contaminated by fungi

3. Mycetismus - the ingestion of preformed toxin (toadstool poisoning)

4. Infection (systemic) - (Mycotoxicosis; the subject below)

The following are a list of the most common symptoms of fungal
exposure (bear in mind, people never fit all of below criteria). Most
people with some forms of Mycotoxicosis meet at least 8 (recent
symptoms) of the following criteria:

Fibromyalgia/mps (and several correlated symptoms)
Respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, sinusitis
Difficulty swallowing, choking, spitting up (vomiting) mucous
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Burning in the throat and lungs (similar to acid reflux and often
misdiagnosed as such)
Asthmatic signs; wheezing, shortness in breath, coughing, burning in
lungs, etc.
Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, diarrhea, sharp abdominal pains,
stomach lesions
Bladder, liver, spleen, or kidney pain
Dark or painful urine
Dirt-like taste in mouth, coated tongue
Food allergies/leaky gut syndrome/altered immunity
Memory loss; brain fog, slurred speech, occasionally leading to
Vision problems
Swollen lymph nodes
Large boils on neck (often a sign of anaphylaxis)
Yellowing of nails, ridges, or white marks under nail
Thyroid irregularities, sometimes leading to complete dysfunction;
adrenal problems
Anxiety/depression, heart palpitations - confusion, PTSD
Extreme blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides irregularities
Ringing in ears, balance problems (very common), dizziness, loss of
hearing (aspergillus niger)
Chronic fatigue (also included under this classification directional
Intermittent face flushing; almost always systemic, Called the Mylar
Flush (neurological))
Night head sweats, and drooling while sleeping, profuse sweating
Multiple chemical sensitivity; only upon exposure to Stachybotrys and
Nose bleeds (stachybotrys)
Bruising/scarring easily; rash or hives, bloody lesions all over the
skin (Often systemic, see images; skin)
Reproductive system complications; infertility, changes in menstrual
cycles, miscarriage
Sudden weight changes (Detoxifier genotypes tend to gain weight, non-
detoxifier genotypes tend to lose weight)
Hair loss, very brittle nails, temporary loss of fingerprints (in rare
Joint/muscle stiffness and pain
Irregular heart beat/heart attack
Seizures, inadvertent body jerking, twitching, inadvertent facial
movements or numbness in face
Hypersensitivity when re-exposed to molds, which can lead to
Anaphylaxis upon re-exposure to mycotoxin producing molds
Death, in extreme cases
Note: despite inaccurate and misleading reports by theorists regarding
immuno-compromised, babies, and the elderly being more susceptible,
this is a big misconception as exposure to the T-2 mycotoxins found in
many types of current indoor molds will poison anyone in time; no one
is immune. The reason for this conflicting information is that
studies have never been conducted to prove this. If so called experts
are going to make such a broad and misleading statement, they may as
well say that this same category of people is more susceptible to
SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS, and cancer. The T-2 mycotoxins found in
many of these molds are the exact same T-2 mycotoxins that have killed
widespread groups of innocent people with Yellow Rain, a biological
warfare agent.

Different mold species can have varying health effects, but it is
important to remember that any excessive mold growth needs to be taken
care of, regardless of the species. Any excessive mold growth can lead
to increased allergies, toxicity, and house/building structural

Aspergillus spp

Aspergillus is the most common genus of fungi in our environment with
more than 160 different species of mold. Sixteen of these species have
been documented as causing human disease. Aspergillosis is now the 2nd
most common fungal infection requiring hospitalization in the United
States. Exposure to aspergillus can often cause skin rashes and hair
loss. Many people seek relief by taking 5,000 mcg. of biotin per day
with 3,500 mgs. of MSM. Beware, many vitamins and supplements are
made with the aspergillus fermentation process or other types of fungi
that the vitamin manufacturers fail to reveal. For a healthy source
of vitamins with no fungi, please view www.mold-help.biz; the world's
first nutricutical website for providing relief from fungal exposure.
The site is in its initial stages at the moment, but by February 1, it
will be an entire source for healthier eating and nutritional
supplements related to fungal disease. Please register on the site if
you would like an update when the Mold-Help Solutions Source is ready
to assist.

Aspergillus fumigatus. The most encountered species causing infection.
It is seen abundantly in decomposing organic material, such as self-
heating compost piles, since it readily grows at temperatures up to 55
C. People who handle contaminated material often develop
hypersensitivity to the spores of Aspergillus and may suffer severe
allergic reactions upon exposure.

Aspergillus flavus. The 2nd most encountered fungi in cases of
Aspergillus infection. It is also known to produce the mycotoxin
aflatoxin, one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. In the
1960s, 100,000 turkey poults in Great Britain died from ingesting
contaminated feed. Most countries have established levels for
aflatoxin in food. However, the risks associated with airborne
exposure are not adequately studied and no exposure standards exist.

Aspergillus niger. The 3rd most common Aspergillus fungi associated
with disease and the most common of any Aspergillus species in nature
due to it's ability to grow on a wide variety of substrates. This
species may cause a "fungal ball", which is a condition where the
fungus actively proliferates in the human lung, forming a ball. It
does so without invading the lung tissue. It has also been linked to
hearing problems including tinnitus and hearing loss.

Aspergillus Versicolor. The most common species of Aspergillus. Among
skin problems and hair loss, this fungus has been linked to severe
abdominal pain, acid reflux, and vomiting.

Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) and Chaetomium globosum

This group of molds can thrive on water damaged, cellulose-rich
material in buildings such as sheet rock, paper, ceiling tiles,
insulation backing, wallpaper, etc. In the majority of cases where
Stachybotrys is found indoors, water damage has gone unnoticed or
ignored since it requires extended periods of time with increased
levels of moisture for growth to occur. Stachybotrys is usually black
and slimy in appearance. Events of water intrusion that are addressed
quickly tends to support the growth of more xerophilic fungi such as
Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Stachybotrys is another fungi that has the ability to produce
mycotoxins, ones that are extremely toxic, suspected carcinogens, and
immunosuppressive. Exposure to these mycotoxins can result through
inhalation, ingestion, and dermal exposure. Symptoms of exposure
include dermatitis, memory loss, balance issues, acid reflux, cough,
rhinitis, nose bleeds, cold and flu-like symptoms, headache, bleeding
lungs, general malaise, internal lesions, seizures, and fever. Long
term exposure has shown that Stachybotrys and Chaetomium can destroy
the myelin sheath, leading to autoimmune disease. These are the only
two fungi that can also be linked MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity).
There is much confusion about Chaetomium, as it can be worse than
Stachybotrys since it is so difficult to eradicate. Our mycologist
tells us that it is like cast iron while Stachybotrys is easier.

Cladosporium spp.

These genera of mold are pigmented dark green to black in the front,
and black on the reverse with a velvety to powdery texture. One of the
most commonly isolated from indoor and outdoor air, Cladosporium spp.
are found on decaying plants, woody plants, food, straw, soil, paint,
textiles, and the surface of fiberglass duct liner in the interior of
supply ducts.

There are over 30 species in the Cladosporium genus. The most common
are C. elatum, C. herbarum, C. sphaerospermum, and C. cladosporioides.
These fungi are the causative agents of skin lesions, keratitis, nail
fungus, sinusitis, asthma, and pulmonary infections. Acute symptoms of
exposure to Cladosporium are edema and bronchiospasms, and chronic
exposure may lead to pulmonary emphysema. More commonly, it is a more
causative factor for intrinsic asthma.

Fusarium spp.

A common soil fungus and inhabitant on a wide array of plants, this
fungi is often found in humidifiers and has been isolated from water-
damaged carpets and a variety of other building materials. Human
exposure may occur through ingestion of contaminated grains and
possibly through the inhalation of spores. Fusarium spp. are
frequently involved with eye, skin, and nail infections. More severely
it can produce hemorrhagic syndrome (alimentary toxic aleukia) in
humans which is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
dermatitis, and extensive internal bleeding.

Several species can produce the trichothecene toxins which target the
circulatory, alimentary, skin, and nervous systems. Vomitoxin is one
such tricothecene mycotoxin that has been associated with outbreaks of
acute gastrointestinal illness in humans. Zearalenone is another
mycotoxin produced by Fusarium. It is similar in structure to the
female sex hormone estrogen and targets the reproductive organs.

Penicillium spp.

These fungi are commonly found in soil, food, cellulose, grains,
paint, carpet, wallpaper, interior fiberglass duct insulation, and
decaying vegetation. Penicillium may cause hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, asthma, and allergic alveolitis in susceptible

The genus Penicillium has several species. The most common ones
include Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium citrinum, Penicillium
janthinellum, Penicillium marneffei, and Penicillium purpurogenum.

This fungi has been isolated from patients with keratitis, ear
infections, pneumonia, endocarditis, peritonitis, and urinary tract
infections. Penicillium infections are most commonly exhibited in
immunosuppressed individuals. For example, P. marneffei is a fungus
abundant in Southeast Asia that typically infects patients with AIDS
in this area. Infection with P.marneffei is acquired via inhalation
and initially results in a pulmonary infection and then spreads to
other areas of the body (lymphatic system, liver, spleen, and bones),
and is often fatal. An indication of infection is the appearance of
papules that resemble acne on the face, trunk, and extremities.

Penicillim spp. do have the ability to produce mycotoxins. The
mycotoxin known as Ochratoxin A, which is nephrotoxic and
carcinogenic, may be produced by Penicillium verrucosum. Verrucosidin
is another mycotoxin produced by this fungus that exhibits
neurotoxity. Penicillic acid is another mycotoxin that is nephrotoxic
(causes kidney and liver damage).

Permanent problems sometimes associated with fungal exposure after

Short term memory
See Associated Illnesses after Fungal Exposure

Note: Many of these symptoms could also be the onset of other
illnesses, as well, and only a skilled physician is diagnosed to give
you a full and qualified diagnosis. Additionally, it is important to
know that much of these symptoms will deplete after vacating the
building. Diet, nutrition, and medical assistance are extremely

[return to mold-survivor menu]

Go to Mold Help Nutricuticals

Go to Mold Help Resources


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Johanning E, Morey PR, Jarvis BB. "Clinical Epidemiological
Investigation of Health Effects caused by Stachybotrys Atra Building
Contamination", Proceedings of Indoor Air, 1993; Vol. 1: 225-230

Jong SC, Davis EE., 1976 Contribution to the knowledge of Stachybotrys
and Memnoniella in culture Mycotoxin 3:409-485

Kozak PP, Gallup J, Cummins LH, Gillman SA. Endogenous mold exposure:
environmental risk to atopic and nonatopic patients. In: Gammage RB,
Kay SV (eds). Indoor Air and Human Health. Chelsea, Mich: Lewis
Publishers; 1985:149-170

Marinkovich, Vincent, Sorenson, S.G., Gordon, Wayne A.,Johanning,
Eckardt,Haddad, Lisa, Khaboshany, A, Omidi, A, Morsali,S.M., Craner,
J.,Stetzenbach, Linda, D., Berek L, Petri IB, Mesterhazy A A, Teren J,
Molnar J., Withanage GS, Murata H, Koyama T, Ishiwata I., Pitt JI.,
Wild CP, Turner PC., Massey TE, Smith GB, Tam AS, Georggiett OC, Muino
JC, Montrull H, Brizuela N, Avalos S, Gomez RM., S. Bernardini, G.
Falck, A. Hirvonen, H. Järventaus, J. Tuimala, Samson, Robert, A.,
Kari Reijula, Nolard, nicole, Anna-Liisa Pasanen, Johanning, Eckardt,
Landsbergis, Paul, Etzel, Ruth A, Dearborn, Dorr, Ammann, Harriet,
Bünger, J., Müller, M., Stalder, K., Hallier E., Medical abstracts on
medical aspects of fungal exposure from around the world

Mayo Clinic on mold exposure

Peltola J, Anderson MA, Raimo M, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Salkinoja-Salonen
M., 1999 Membrane toxic substances in water-damaged construction
materials and fungal pure cultures In: Johanning E. Bioaerosols,
Fungi, Mycotoxins: Health effects, Assessment, Prevention and Control
1. New York: Eastern New York Occupational & Environmental Health
Center. p 432-443

Peraica, M.; Radic, B.; Lucic, A.; Pavlovic, M. , September 1, 1999,
Diseases Caused by Molds in Humans, Bulletin of the World Health

Reshetilova TA, Soloveva TF, Baskunov BP, Kozlovskii AG., 1992
Investigation of alkaloid formation by certain species of fungi of the
Penicillium genus Mikrobiologiya 61:873-879

This site is not intended to give medical advice. Seek the advice of
a professional for medication, treatment options, and complete
knowledge of any illness. The opinions expressed here are exclusively
my personal opinions do not necessarily reflect my peers or
professional affiliates. The information here does not reflect
professional advice and is not intended to supersede the professional
advice of others.

(c)2001-2006 Mold-Help. All rights reserved

Post by Dr. AR Wingnutte, PhD
First of all, if you have read this entire website, you will
understand that something is wrong with the system in general. But,
you dont have to go far, to be able to realize that most of the
systems of the world are in shambles; no matter where you are at, no
matter what the issue is concerning, or what is happening. All people
must realize that, "All bad can be a seed for good"; as in this case,
it just happened to be that we were dealing with the Mold
Issue. We most likely would not have found the proper medical
attention, had all of this went any other way than it did. We must
look to bright side of things in this regard. The sad part of all of
this, is that we worry that there are folks like ourselves out there,
that are very sick, and/or not waking up today, tomorrow, or, have
in the past, from possibly death due to this. What we
have uncovered, most folks will never know anything about, unless
someone tells them, like this story, as we feel is meant to tell, not
coverup, so as to put others years ahead of where we started out,
trying to figure out all of this! I will make reference to several
different entities, subjects of interest, quotes and other types of
material, as to relate to what we are trying to depict, in a
truthful manner.
"All truth passes through 3 stages; first, it is ridiculed, second,
is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self evident"
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
MS has been rated the most corrupt judicial system in the nation.
MS has been rated the worst healthcare system in the nation. 2007
MS has been rated the worst for infant mortality in the nation. 2007
MS has almost always been rated the poorest state in the nation,
record keeping data started.
MS was exposed to the worst natural disaster in the nations history.
2005/Hurricane Katrina
MS has many other low, if not the lowest ratings in the nation, in
many other areas as well.
With all of these points made, MS has many good attributes as well,
and some better than many of the other states, but, in most any
society, civilization or country, as I've probbaly visited appx. 20
countries myself; you will always notice that the worst of the worst,
usually always comes out of the poorest regions on earth, and that
people of these regions suffer the most, most always at the hands of
the "well-to-do", or the "higher-ups"; and in proportion to an
individuals rankings monetarily, in that area, is usually
the determining factor in their outcome, in most of the areas of
lives and or livelihood. It is somewhat like a cast system if you
to call it that, or a pecking order. A man once told me that MS is
Mexcio of America. In some ways it could be viewed this way I am
even though I love my home here. I have reservations about what I am
beginning to see and learn now, that most people would have never
dreamed of, had they not walked in my shoes. We all know, that most
anywhere you go, can be as bad as another area, possibly in just
different ways. We just happened to be in MS where our demise took
place, so naturally, we started investigating, to see what we were up
against and why?
An interesting (Article & Podcast of John Grisham), being interviewed
by Bill Moyers on PBS, I thought really summed up, in more words than
one, what is going on in some of the political arenas, especially in
MS. Grisham is getting into some non-fiction books and stories now,
but as he states, it comes with a lot of investigating and extra
Word has it, that he is now in Stealth Mode, as far as being able to
contact Grisham, as media circles depict, due to death threats, etc.
Anyone that can read between the lines, can understand why many
politicians have not been too happy with his work and what it
Bill Moyers, as we have learned, was displaced from some of his media
endeavours at one time or another, due primarily from his airing
certain particular controversial things, that some of the mainstream
media were not happy seeing exposed. Moyers return to the spotlight,
as we have since learned, was due primarily from popular demand and a
public outcry. The 30-minute Podcast/Video, of Grisham & Moyers
Interview, which is in readable format as well is: http://
This is another very interesting article, that appeared in a
Mississippi News Publication, the "Jackson Free Press". This article
exposes many issues that you might not hear through typical media
avenues. This article will shed light on a real problem in MS,
especially regarding Insurance. It will help one better understand
deep some of the issues go. This article sheds light on the Dicky
Scruggs issue; including the mention of others, like Trent Lott, Paul
Minor, Oliver Diaz, Etc. It is an eye-opener to many in MS, as well
across the country. One could possibly speculate, that this
article, directly &/or indirectly, correlates with what John Grisham
depicts in the above link. This will help many understand that the
corporate conglomerates, such as many large insurance companies, do
not take lightly as per being exposed, as well as being made pay
debts to society & their policyholders. It depicts the same scenario
that has been around for years; whereby many insurance companies and
large corporations had rather pay the politicians and attorneys,
versus the public and/or plaintiffs which have been wronged. This
basically enlightened us, as to what we were up against. Most who
read this article, state that there was wrong doing by most named
defendants, but, when one looks at the big picture, and the entire
scope of this in it's entirety, it is very scary! A friend of mine,
upon viewing this article, stated; "We Are Now Living In A Fascist
Dictatorship". (This goes back to the saying, "The One Who Owns The
Gold, Rules"). The Link is: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=15380_0_9_0_C
"The marvel of all history, is the patience with which men and women,
submit to burdens unneccessarily laid upon them by their
George Washington
I had several friends & relatives, who frequented my trial that we
lost in; some of these people were fluent in understanding legal
procedures unlike ourselves. They came offering counsel and support.
Many of them believed that even if we had won this case, no matter
what the verdict or outcome would have been monetarily, that most
surely there would have been an appeal, so as not to set a
or let this information that we had, leak out to the public or
In other words, several of the people who came and sat with us,
that we knew too much about the Mold Issue, and that most of the
entities involved here, would do just about anything to keep this
quiet. This is not to mention, that the mobile home industry, with
the flaws we found with them, could possibly be exposed as well. Our
case actually was a double or triple threat to too many entities
involved, whether directly or indirectly.
During the course of the years that we have been involved in this
case, I had been warned by numerous people; including law-enforcement
officials, attorneys, business owners, etc., to be careful about
you know". Thus meaning that I/we, were up against serious money
and that these people would use any methods to try and stop this
information from being revealed.
*Sometimes, before some of our legal proceedings, we would recieve
obscene phone calls with unlisted numbers, which we assumed were
accidental miss calls. None of these happened at any other times, and
havent since.
*We have had nearby neighbors, mention that they had people in the
community tell them, that we were just suing to get money from the
entities involved in this case, and that we werent sick at all. Of
course none of these people have ever seen the home, or investigated
or looked at our medical bills either.
*The most bizarre incident came when a candidate for sheriff, came by
my home one day, stating that a certain individual in the community,
who lived closeby, had shown him a pile of video tapes, and told him
that we were dealing drugs, and that he had been monitoring our home
and business for years now, and that he wanted him to help him
incriminate us should he be elected. It has been the laugh of the
community, not to mention, what an idiot. First of all, any drug
dealer I have ever heard of, steers clear of the juducial system,
or trying to do what is morally right, second of all, if this were
true, why would we be fighting for what is rightfully ours that we
have lost, as we would naturally have plenty of money if this were
case, and want out of the spotlight with the legal system entirely,
furthermore, going up against a system with big money, while our
whole family was sick at the same time, and trying to get well, not
mention, some of the people we knew, that had quit talking to us in
the community, not only due to one of the entities we were suing, and
his ties to many of the people in our community, due to his long
established business and political influence in the area. We have
always wondered if big insurance, or any of the entities being sued
might have been behind this. A lady who had been in a terrible Mold
lawsuit out in Texas, that recieved national attention, reccomended
that we watch a particular movie called, "Runaway Jury", as she said
it depicts the lengths that some insurance comapnies will go, to get
something on you or to set you up, especially if you are onto
something that could cost them huge sums of money. She mentioned that
on 2 seperate occassions, that men broke in her home during her
lawsuit, and she actually shot one of the men in the back with a
* We had a man working at our home one day while we were at a legal
proceeding. He stated that his truck was parked where it could not be
seen from the road, as he was raking leaves and loading them into his
truck behind our home. He stated that a vehicle drove up the
and as he saw it, he went to it, and asked the man what he needed. He
stated that the man said that he had worked for me years ago, and was
just coming by to say hello. We have an electronic gate, so he asked
the man how he got in, and he said the man showed him a large device
like a programming analyzer, that he said he got in the gate with, my
man said he had never seen a gate opener like this one before, as he
knew ours all looked the same. He said the man left immeadilately
after seeing that I wasnt home. How odd we thought, we sell
we meet by appointment due to owning 2 businesses that we run, and
this has never happened before.
*The day of our first trial, whereby the judge recused himself, we
were at home, getting ready for a 9AM trial, I smelled smoke, looked
out our window, and appx. 1/4 mile away at my office, I saw a large
fire burning at appx. 6AM. Of course, this is where we had a place to
burn wood at times, but it was starting to get into the field before
could get to it. I put the fire out immeadiately. Then, what really
concerned me; was that we were in a severe drought and under a burn-
ban, for actually everything south of I-20/appx. 75 miles away. This
would have burned up not only my land, but possibly all the
neighboring woodlands that our lands join. How convenient to not be
able to be at a trial you have been waiting almost 3 years for, not
mention, possibly being arrested for arson, etc.
Since this Legal Undertaking of ours started; we have never seen the
likes of how popular our property has become. (Sometimes
I've wondered
if we owned land that now had acquired some type of hidden secrets or
treasures, that surely we dont know about)! We've had everything
Grave-Seekers, Artifact & Relic-Hunters, Lost and/or Delerious, as
well as possibly Drug-Crazed Tresspassers, People wanting permission
to fish in water 3-6 inches deep, near a road/bridge, then to see
these same peoples relatives, running on foot, from this same area,
as to get in their cars to race away, when traffic or we would
approach our gate to leave our property, of course we had not granted
any permission as well. One and/or two women at a time, coming to our
business, so as to buy heavy equipment, and/or farm related
of course never purchasing anything, but some we could tell were
drinking, and/or using drugs, some were just plain provocative
men. People inviting you on their property, so as when you arrive,
they then try to initiate an incident or fight, then thereafter,
usually every time you see them, are nice again, and continue to
invite you to come over to their property again to see them, and/or
have issues they call you usually at night about, we presume to get
back on their property. There are other issues as well, but how
ironic, in 20 years of doing business, as well as a lifetime of never
facing any of these odd occurrences, they all transpire while engaged
in this legal delimna.
*There were many former employees, as well as others, who had worked
for this mobile home dealer that we purchased our home from, who I
from time to time, usually from being out in the public, that would
tell me they were sorry about what all had happened to my family, and
even wanted to know if we had ever been compenstated for our losses.
These people would even provide damning evidence about some of the
atrocities that they saw this dealer commit, some of them would go
into details about why and how this happened to us. They sometimes
would mention that some of the same things that happened to our home,
they had seen happen to others years before this/our delimna. Later,
when I and my attorney went to see them in person, they either
remember anything. or simply wouldnt talk, but the ones that would,
would tell everything that they knew, but asked that we not drag them
into court. We understood that they were for the most part scared.
*The saddest part about all of this, is that we have lost a few
friends over this, and even had a few relatives that didnt want
anything to do with us, or this issue anymore. For the most part, it
was because they didnt want to have to testify, and/or verify as to
what they had seen with this home, that they knew for a fact, was
wrong, but would have put them at an inconvienence, or at odds with
some of the social fabric in the community that some of the people we
were bucking would not like.
*There are other things that happened, that are really bizarre, but
cannot be proven, but are well documented, but, what really matters
here, is that the people get the proper information with this
in its entirety, so as to help other families or those deling with
of these type delimnas. Ours just happened to be Mold!
"When your one step ahead of the crowd, your a genius, when your two
steps ahead, your a crackpot!"
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin (Feb. 1998)
Bloggers/Comments/Postings: http://blog.moldcankillyou.com
Copyright 2007-2011. Tommy Riley. All rights reserved.
Dr. AR Wingnutte, PhD
2014-10-11 02:31:02 UTC
Operation White Trash: The Mississippi Caper (Part 1)



Operation White Trash by Oliver Crangle

Operation White Trash: The Mississippi Caper

Operation White Trash

Post by Dr. AR Wingnutte, PhD
First of all, if you have read this entire website, you will
understand that something is wrong with the system in general. But,
you dont have to go far, to be able to realize that most of the
systems of the world are in shambles; no matter where you are at, no
matter what the issue is concerning, or what is happening. All people
must realize that, "All bad can be a seed for good"; as in this case,
it just happened to be that we were dealing with the Mold
Issue. We most likely would not have found the proper medical
attention, had all of this went any other way than it did. We must
look to bright side of things in this regard. The sad part of all of
this, is that we worry that there are folks like ourselves out there,
that are very sick, and/or not waking up today, tomorrow, or, have
in the past, from possibly death due to this. What we
have uncovered, most folks will never know anything about, unless
someone tells them, like this story, as we feel is meant to tell, not
coverup, so as to put others years ahead of where we started out,
trying to figure out all of this! I will make reference to several
different entities, subjects of interest, quotes and other types of
material, as to relate to what we are trying to depict, in a
truthful manner.
"All truth passes through 3 stages; first, it is ridiculed, second,
is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self evident"
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
MS has been rated the most corrupt judicial system in the nation.
MS has been rated the worst healthcare system in the nation. 2007
MS has been rated the worst for infant mortality in the nation. 2007
MS has almost always been rated the poorest state in the nation,
record keeping data started.
MS was exposed to the worst natural disaster in the nations history.
2005/Hurricane Katrina
MS has many other low, if not the lowest ratings in the nation, in
many other areas as well.
With all of these points made, MS has many good attributes as well,
and some better than many of the other states, but, in most any
society, civilization or country, as I've probbaly visited appx. 20
countries myself; you will always notice that the worst of the worst,
usually always comes out of the poorest regions on earth, and that
people of these regions suffer the most, most always at the hands of
the "well-to-do", or the "higher-ups"; and in proportion to an
individuals rankings monetarily, in that area, is usually
the determining factor in their outcome, in most of the areas of
lives and or livelihood. It is somewhat like a cast system if you
to call it that, or a pecking order. A man once told me that MS is
Mexcio of America. In some ways it could be viewed this way I am
even though I love my home here. I have reservations about what I am
beginning to see and learn now, that most people would have never
dreamed of, had they not walked in my shoes. We all know, that most
anywhere you go, can be as bad as another area, possibly in just
different ways. We just happened to be in MS where our demise took
place, so naturally, we started investigating, to see what we were up
against and why?
An interesting (Article & Podcast of John Grisham), being interviewed
by Bill Moyers on PBS, I thought really summed up, in more words than
one, what is going on in some of the political arenas, especially in
MS. Grisham is getting into some non-fiction books and stories now,
but as he states, it comes with a lot of investigating and extra
Word has it, that he is now in Stealth Mode, as far as being able to
contact Grisham, as media circles depict, due to death threats, etc.
Anyone that can read between the lines, can understand why many
politicians have not been too happy with his work and what it
Bill Moyers, as we have learned, was displaced from some of his media
endeavours at one time or another, due primarily from his airing
certain particular controversial things, that some of the mainstream
media were not happy seeing exposed. Moyers return to the spotlight,
as we have since learned, was due primarily from popular demand and a
public outcry. The 30-minute Podcast/Video, of Grisham & Moyers
Interview, which is in readable format as well is: http://
This is another very interesting article, that appeared in a
Mississippi News Publication, the "Jackson Free Press". This article
exposes many issues that you might not hear through typical media
avenues. This article will shed light on a real problem in MS,
especially regarding Insurance. It will help one better understand
deep some of the issues go. This article sheds light on the Dicky
Scruggs issue; including the mention of others, like Trent Lott, Paul
Minor, Oliver Diaz, Etc. It is an eye-opener to many in MS, as well
across the country. One could possibly speculate, that this
article, directly &/or indirectly, correlates with what John Grisham
depicts in the above link. This will help many understand that the
corporate conglomerates, such as many large insurance companies, do
not take lightly as per being exposed, as well as being made pay
debts to society & their policyholders. It depicts the same scenario
that has been around for years; whereby many insurance companies and
large corporations had rather pay the politicians and attorneys,
versus the public and/or plaintiffs which have been wronged. This
basically enlightened us, as to what we were up against. Most who
read this article, state that there was wrong doing by most named
defendants, but, when one looks at the big picture, and the entire
scope of this in it's entirety, it is very scary! A friend of mine,
upon viewing this article, stated; "We Are Now Living In A Fascist
Dictatorship". (This goes back to the saying, "The One Who Owns The
Gold, Rules"). The Link is: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/comments.php?id=15380_0_9_0_C
"The marvel of all history, is the patience with which men and women,
submit to burdens unneccessarily laid upon them by their
George Washington
I had several friends & relatives, who frequented my trial that we
lost in; some of these people were fluent in understanding legal
procedures unlike ourselves. They came offering counsel and support.
Many of them believed that even if we had won this case, no matter
what the verdict or outcome would have been monetarily, that most
surely there would have been an appeal, so as not to set a
or let this information that we had, leak out to the public or
In other words, several of the people who came and sat with us,
that we knew too much about the Mold Issue, and that most of the
entities involved here, would do just about anything to keep this
quiet. This is not to mention, that the mobile home industry, with
the flaws we found with them, could possibly be exposed as well. Our
case actually was a double or triple threat to too many entities
involved, whether directly or indirectly.
During the course of the years that we have been involved in this
case, I had been warned by numerous people; including law-enforcement
officials, attorneys, business owners, etc., to be careful about
you know". Thus meaning that I/we, were up against serious money
and that these people would use any methods to try and stop this
information from being revealed.
*Sometimes, before some of our legal proceedings, we would recieve
obscene phone calls with unlisted numbers, which we assumed were
accidental miss calls. None of these happened at any other times, and
havent since.
*We have had nearby neighbors, mention that they had people in the
community tell them, that we were just suing to get money from the
entities involved in this case, and that we werent sick at all. Of
course none of these people have ever seen the home, or investigated
or looked at our medical bills either.
*The most bizarre incident came when a candidate for sheriff, came by
my home one day, stating that a certain individual in the community,
who lived closeby, had shown him a pile of video tapes, and told him
that we were dealing drugs, and that he had been monitoring our home
and business for years now, and that he wanted him to help him
incriminate us should he be elected. It has been the laugh of the
community, not to mention, what an idiot. First of all, any drug
dealer I have ever heard of, steers clear of the juducial system,
or trying to do what is morally right, second of all, if this were
true, why would we be fighting for what is rightfully ours that we
have lost, as we would naturally have plenty of money if this were
case, and want out of the spotlight with the legal system entirely,
furthermore, going up against a system with big money, while our
whole family was sick at the same time, and trying to get well, not
mention, some of the people we knew, that had quit talking to us in
the community, not only due to one of the entities we were suing, and
his ties to many of the people in our community, due to his long
established business and political influence in the area. We have
always wondered if big insurance, or any of the entities being sued
might have been behind this. A lady who had been in a terrible Mold
lawsuit out in Texas, that recieved national attention, reccomended
that we watch a particular movie called, "Runaway Jury", as she said
it depicts the lengths that some insurance comapnies will go, to get
something on you or to set you up, especially if you are onto
something that could cost them huge sums of money. She mentioned that
on 2 seperate occassions, that men broke in her home during her
lawsuit, and she actually shot one of the men in the back with a
* We had a man working at our home one day while we were at a legal
proceeding. He stated that his truck was parked where it could not be
seen from the road, as he was raking leaves and loading them into his
truck behind our home. He stated that a vehicle drove up the
and as he saw it, he went to it, and asked the man what he needed. He
stated that the man said that he had worked for me years ago, and was
just coming by to say hello. We have an electronic gate, so he asked
the man how he got in, and he said the man showed him a large device
like a programming analyzer, that he said he got in the gate with, my
man said he had never seen a gate opener like this one before, as he
knew ours all looked the same. He said the man left immeadilately
after seeing that I wasnt home. How odd we thought, we sell
we meet by appointment due to owning 2 businesses that we run, and
this has never happened before.
*The day of our first trial, whereby the judge recused himself, we
were at home, getting ready for a 9AM trial, I smelled smoke, looked
out our window, and appx. 1/4 mile away at my office, I saw a large
fire burning at appx. 6AM. Of course, this is where we had a place to
burn wood at times, but it was starting to get into the field before
could get to it. I put the fire out immeadiately. Then, what really
concerned me; was that we were in a severe drought and under a burn-
ban, for actually everything south of I-20/appx. 75 miles away. This
would have burned up not only my land, but possibly all the
neighboring woodlands that our lands join. How convenient to not be
able to be at a trial you have been waiting almost 3 years for, not
mention, possibly being arrested for arson, etc.
Since this Legal Undertaking of ours started; we have never seen the
likes of how popular our property has become. (Sometimes
I've wondered
if we owned land that now had acquired some type of hidden secrets or
treasures, that surely we dont know about)! We've had everything
Grave-Seekers, Artifact & Relic-Hunters, Lost and/or Delerious, as
well as possibly Drug-Crazed Tresspassers, People wanting permission
to fish in water 3-6 inches deep, near a road/bridge, then to see
these same peoples relatives, running on foot, from this same area,
as to get in their cars to race away, when traffic or we would
approach our gate to leave our property, of course we had not granted
any permission as well. One and/or two women at a time, coming to our
business, so as to buy heavy equipment, and/or farm related
of course never purchasing anything, but some we could tell were
drinking, and/or using drugs, some were just plain provocative
men. People inviting you on their property, so as when you arrive,
they then try to initiate an incident or fight, then thereafter,
usually every time you see them, are nice again, and continue to
invite you to come over to their property again to see them, and/or
have issues they call you usually at night about, we presume to get
back on their property. There are other issues as well, but how
ironic, in 20 years of doing business, as well as a lifetime of never
facing any of these odd occurrences, they all transpire while engaged
in this legal delimna.
*There were many former employees, as well as others, who had worked
for this mobile home dealer that we purchased our home from, who I
from time to time, usually from being out in the public, that would
tell me they were sorry about what all had happened to my family, and
even wanted to know if we had ever been compenstated for our losses.
These people would even provide damning evidence about some of the
atrocities that they saw this dealer commit, some of them would go
into details about why and how this happened to us. They sometimes
would mention that some of the same things that happened to our home,
they had seen happen to others years before this/our delimna. Later,
when I and my attorney went to see them in person, they either
remember anything. or simply wouldnt talk, but the ones that would,
would tell everything that they knew, but asked that we not drag them
into court. We understood that they were for the most part scared.
*The saddest part about all of this, is that we have lost a few
friends over this, and even had a few relatives that didnt want
anything to do with us, or this issue anymore. For the most part, it
was because they didnt want to have to testify, and/or verify as to
what they had seen with this home, that they knew for a fact, was
wrong, but would have put them at an inconvienence, or at odds with
some of the social fabric in the community that some of the people we
were bucking would not like.
*There are other things that happened, that are really bizarre, but
cannot be proven, but are well documented, but, what really matters
here, is that the people get the proper information with this
in its entirety, so as to help other families or those deling with
of these type delimnas. Ours just happened to be Mold!
"When your one step ahead of the crowd, your a genius, when your two
steps ahead, your a crackpot!"
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin (Feb. 1998)
Bloggers/Comments/Postings: http://blog.moldcankillyou.com
Copyright 2007-2011. Tommy Riley. All rights reserved.