Sinus Drainage Methods (Sinusitis)
(too old to reply)
2013-03-25 12:21:13 UTC
This is an edited post that has appeared in various places on the web.
These methods are effective for sinusitis, colds, flu, mcs, etc. The q-
tip method and electrode placement instructions are at the bottom of
this post. Paul Sinus Drainage Methods I used a Beck blood
electrifier(BE-thumper) with adjustable frequency control the first
time I discovered the area I mentioned applying the q-tips to(Original
Post Below). I do not use the BE in the intended manner and I built my
own. I use 12 gauge silver wire electrodes with wetted cotton flannel
sleeves. I used both 4hz and about 60hz (preferred-frequency where the
optic nerve/eye quits flashing) and started with the lowest current
setting working my way up to a tingling sensation. Apply the
electrodes to the same area as the q- tips but instead of moving them
around vigorously, find a sensitive area and leave them for 15-20
seconds before moving them again. Repeat this interval and/or move
slowly around in the mentioned area. It may take up to 4-5 minutes to
start a violent sneezing attack coupled with the drainage. Be
prepared, I voided what tasted like a virus and it actually gave me
slight cold/flu symptoms while performing this procedure. Keep on
slowly stimulating the area until you quit sneezing. I had a violent
sneezing attack that lasted about 4 minutes before it quit. The first
time I probably voided about a 1/5 cup of salty virus tasting mucus
and I got instant relief. I found doing it several times(2-3) daily
was the best approach. It took about 2 weeks for the virus taste to go
away and the mucus expelled was far less than at the beginning. I
didn't have sinusitis again for several years and I didn't give it
time to set in before attacking it. Two cautions: 1)The drainage may
be contagious, so be careful(CS,GSE,H2O2);2)On a few occasions a small
amount of blood would come out with the mucus but I never had a
running nose bleed and I never worried about it. Clean every thing you
sneeze/sling mucus on. You will probably get your shirt wet with
mucus. Be careful! Don't spread infection!!! I have posted my favorite
electronic method(BK) along with the Beck method on the Google
sinusitis group under the subject, "Sinus Drainage Methods". This
works much better, much faster, you don't need to use it as often or
as long to get the job done, and you can't feel anything. I use a BK
4011A Function Generator(standard electronic test instrument) with the
same electrodes and placement used with the Beck. The settings are:
315Khz and 320Khz(start with one frequency for 5 minutes then go to
the other for same - be patient, sometimes you think it's not going to
work and it takes you by suprise), -20db attenuation(down 20db output-
very important), full positive DC offset, square wave, and full output
level(but down 20db; if you don't do this the output is very
uncomfortable). This is probably more than you wanted to know. The BK
can be ordered from electronics parts houses and probably costs about
$350.00. You can get a Beck schematic off of the internet to build
your own. Most parts can be bought at Radio Shack. You can also find
new and complete Beck units($50.00-$100.00) on the internet. I made my
own electrodes with 12 gauge silver wire and they are about 1.25
inches long. Use cotton cloth covers for the electrodes. I wet the
electrodes with colloidal silver or distilled water. You can find
silver wire on the internet. Good Luck, Paul > Paul, > > Thanks for
the info. What is the electronic method you mentioned? > > Thanks > >
___________________________________________ > Reply to: > > > -----
Original Message ---- > From: rpautrey2 > To: > Sent: > Subject:
Sinusitis/MCS (Sinus Drainage Methods) > >I made a mistake. I have
posted these sinus drainage methods > in several groups but this is
not one of them. For quick sinus relief > try the following: Slide
your finger down the ridge of your nose > until you come to the
junction where bone becomes cartilage. Directly > under your finger at
this junction, on the ceiling of each nostril > are two very sensitive
areas about 3/4" in diameter. Take two wet q- > tips and insert one
into each nostril. Massage the sensitive areas > simultaneously, and
vigorously but gently. Within a few minutes you > will experience a
violent sneezing attack followed by sinus cavity > drainage. Continue
to massage until you get relief. Do this > frequently. I cured my
sinusitis using a similar method (electronic). > It's a good idea to
gargle and rinse your nasal passages with an > alternative antibiotic
like cs or gse to prevent the introduction of > drained infection into
your throat, lungs, etc. Also clean anything > you sneezed on.





On the sneeze-reflex and its control

Volume: 45 - Issue: 3

Firstpage: 218 - Lastpage: 219

D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger
Experiments in cats have shown that sneezing can be induced using low
intensity electrical current. This study focusses on answering the
question whether the sneezing-reflex can also be induced in man
through electrical stimulation, whether it is reproducible, and if the
response can be abolished pharmacologically? Three healthy males were
tested using intranasal stimulation in different parts of the nose
usinga current from an electric pulse generator. Using currents in the
range 2–11 mA, it was possible to induce and reproduce sneezing in the
anterior portion of the nose corresponding to the distribution area of
the anterior ethmoidal nerve. In one tested subject, local
anaesthetics applied to the mucous membranes of the nose abolished the
Sneeze reflex-reduction may be one way to reduce viral contamination
between subjects. Further research could include pharmacological
investigations to identify a sneeze-inhibiting substance with small
risks for side effects that can be added to common cold nasal sprays.
D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger - On the sneeze-reflex and its control
Rhinology 45-3: 218-219, 2007
Free Download

2013-04-23 10:03:46 UTC
Boioelectrification Ideas for Sinusitis


March 19, 2004

From: ***@aol.com
To: ***@educate-yourself.org
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: Beck Blood Electrifier In Nostrils - Sinusitis

You can use the the device to treat and cure sinusitis by placing the
electodes into each nostril and gently rubbing the upper part of the
nostrils.Be patient,it may take several minutes until they drain or
you sneeze.Repeat often, it may take time.

Bad intestinal flora will change sinus flora and open you up to
infection,diet may need to be changed.You can drain infection that has
been with you since birth.Many psychological,cognitive, and
neurological problems can be alleviated with this method.

Complementary therpies - raw garlic and buttermilk / yogurt for flora
restoration , colloidal silver spray (homemade) , distilled drinking
water , etc. Do not take antibiotics.

Post by pautrey23x
This is an edited post that has appeared in various places on the web.
These methods are effective for sinusitis, colds, flu, mcs, etc. The q-
tip method and electrode placement instructions are at the bottom of
this post. Paul Sinus Drainage Methods I used a Beck blood
electrifier(BE-thumper) with adjustable frequency control the first
time I discovered the area I mentioned applying the q-tips to(Original
Post Below). I do not use the BE in the intended manner and I built my
own. I use 12 gauge silver wire electrodes with wetted cotton flannel
sleeves. I used both 4hz and about 60hz (preferred-frequency where the
optic nerve/eye quits flashing) and started with the lowest currednt
setting working my way up to a tingling sensation. Apply the
electrodes to the same area as the q- tips but instead of moving them
around vigorously, find a sensitive area and leave them for 15-20
seconds before moving them again. Repeat this interval and/or move
slowly around in the mentioned area. It may take up to 4-5 minutes to
start a violent sneezing attack coupled with the drainage. Be
prepared, I voided what tasted like a virus and it actually gave me
slight cold/flu symptoms while performing this procedure. Keep on
slowly stimulating the area until you quit sneezing. I had a violent
sneezing attack that lasted about 4 minutes before it quit. The first
time I probably voided about a 1/5 cup of salty virus tasting mucus
and I got instant relief. I found doing it several times(2-3) daily
was the best approach. It took about 2 weeks for the virus taste to go
away and the mucus expelled was far less than at the beginning. I
didn't have sinusitis again for several years and I didn't give it
time to set in before attacking it. Two cautions: 1)The drainage may
be contagious, so be careful(CS,GSE,H2O2);2)On a few occasions a small
amount of blood would come out with the mucus but I never had a
running nose bleed and I never worried about it. Clean every thing you
sneeze/sling mucus on. You will probably get your shirt wet with
mucus. Be careful! Don't spread infection!!! I have posted my favorite
electronic method(BK) along with the Beck method on the Google
sinusitis group under the subject, "Sinus Drainage Methods". This
works much better, much faster, you don't need to use it as often or
as long to get the job done, and you can't feel anything. I use a BK
4011A Function Generator(standard electronic test instrument) with the
315Khz and 320Khz(start with one frequency for 5 minutes then go to
the other for same - be patient, sometimes you think it's not going to
work and it takes you by suprise), -20db attenuation(down 20db output-
very important), full positive DC offset, square wave, and full output
level(but down 20db; if you don't do this the output is very
uncomfortable). This is probably more than you wanted to know. The BK
can be ordered from electronics parts houses and probably costs about
$350.00. You can get a Beck schematic off of the internet to build
your own. Most parts can be bought at Radio Shack. You can also find
new and complete Beck units($50.00-$100.00) on the internet. I made my
own electrodes with 12 gauge silver wire and they are about 1.25
inches long. Use cotton cloth covers for the electrodes. I wet the
electrodes with colloidal silver or distilled water. You can find
silver wire on the internet. Good Luck, Paul > Paul, > > Thanks for
the info. What is the electronic method you mentioned? > > Thanks > >
___________________________________________ > Reply to: > > > -----
Sinusitis/MCS (Sinus Drainage Methods) > >I made a mistake. I have
posted these sinus drainage methods > in several groups but this is
not one of them. For quick sinus relief > try the following: Slide
your finger down the ridge of your nose > until you come to the
junction where bone becomes cartilage. Directly > under your finger at
this junction, on the ceiling of each nostril > are two very sensitive
areas about 3/4" in diameter. Take two wet q- > tips and insert one
into each nostril. Massage the sensitive areas > simultaneously, and
vigorously but gently. Within a few minutes you > will experience a
violent sneezing attack followed by sinus cavity > drainage. Continue
to massage until you get relief. Do this > frequently. I cured my
sinusitis using a similar method (electronic). > It's a good idea to
gargle and rinse your nasal passages with an > alternative antibiotic
like cs or gse to prevent the introduction of > drained infection into
your throat, lungs, etc. Also clean anything > you sneezed on.
On the sneeze-reflex and its control
Volume: 45 - Issue: 3
Firstpage: 218 - Lastpage: 219
D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger
Experiments in cats have shown that sneezing can be induced using low
intensity electrical current. This study focusses on answering the
question whether the sneezing-reflex can also be induced in man
through electrical stimulation, whether it is reproducible, and if the
response can be abolished pharmacologically? Three healthy males were
tested using intranasal stimulation in different parts of the nose
usinga current from an electric pulse generator. Using currents in the
range 2–11 mA, it was possible to induce and reproduce sneezing in the
anterior portion of the nose corresponding to the distribution area of
the anterior ethmoidal nerve. In one tested subject, local
anaesthetics applied to the mucous membranes of the nose abolished the
Sneeze reflex-reduction may be one way to reduce viral contamination
between subjects. Further research could include pharmacological
investigations to identify a sneeze-inhibiting substance with small
risks for side effects that can be added to common cold nasal sprays.
D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger - On the sneeze-reflex and its control
Rhinology 45-3: 218-219, 2007
Free Download
2013-04-24 10:56:09 UTC
Re: Bioelectrification Ideas For Sinusitis

, " rpautrey2 "
Boioelectrification Ideas For Sinusitis
Medical Electricity For Sinusitis - 1887
Medical Electricity
THE electrical treatment of nasal and pharyngeal catarrh
has been relegated almost entirely to irregular practitioners —
so-called electricians — who find in this malady a
fine field for the exercise of their arts. Independently of
experience, the results of which justify me in advocating
the electrical treatment of this affection, there are facts
which seem to indicate the utility of faradism and galvanism.
The influence of galvanism over the circulation,
applied at any point, and of faradism, when the current
can act on the vaso-motor system directly, are now well-
established facts. That galvanism will cause the absorption
of effusions and effect the healing of bedsores and
ulcers, is equally true. The pathological changes in naso-
pharyngeal catarrh including these processes, it would not
seem doubtful that electricty must be serviceable. In my
experience these theoretical considerations are amply justified
by the success of the practice.
In the electrical treatment of naso-pharyngeal catarrh,
certain procedures seem best adapted to bring about good
results. If there be vivid redness of the mucous membrane,
swelling, and muco-purulent discharge without
solution of continuity, faradic applications are most effective.
If ulcerations exist and the surface of the mucous
membrane is studded with enlarged follicles, more or less
atrophic degeneration of the membrane having taken
place, galvanism produces better results. Before applying
the electrodes, the passage should be cleaned by injecting
with the post-nasal syringe a solution of common
salt, or of ammonium chloride. The intra-nasal electrodes
should be insulated nearly to the extremity, which should
have a flattened bulbous or olive shape, and should be
flexible. The other electrode, of small size and button
shape, may be covered with soft leather. The intra-nasal
electrode, well warmed, connected with the negative pole,
should be passed along the floor of the nostril until the
posterior extremity of the canal is reached, where it may
rest during the application. The external positive electrode
should be passed over the nose, resting over the
ethmoidal sinus, the root and body of the nose, and on the
cheeks. Strong currents are not admissible, only so
strong that faint flashes are produced. The negative electrode
is preferred for the intra-nasal application, because
of its more decided chemical and catalytic effects. When
faradism is employed, it is indifferent which electrode is
applied internally or externally. Persistence in the treatment
of the chronic cases is very necessary, but if carried
on faithfully a sufficient time, good results may be expected.
In pharyngeal affections, a curved bulbous electrode
can be introduced and applied to all parts. The
current must be weak lest nausea and vomiting result.
In the section devoted to galvano-caustic applications, the
methods now employed in removing polypi, vegetation
and other growths, will be duly set forth.
id=zPMcKEtG4tQC & printsec=frontcover & dq=Medical+Electricity &
fp- Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887,
, " rpautrey2 "
Post by pautrey23x
Sinus Drainage Methods
Post by pautrey23x
Datum: 22.10.2007 07:05
Message-ID: <1193029534.503737.91990 (AT) v29g2000prd (DOT) googl>
Newsgroup: alt.support.sinusitis
In 1992 someone gave me a book they acquired from the estate of a
deceased employer. The book was entitled " The Herbalist " (1934) by
Joseph Meyer. Under the heading of " Myrtle " (Bayberry) I read the
following, " Powdered, it has been employed as a snuff, with good
effect, in nasal congestions or catarrah. " The powdered bark of
Post by pautrey23x
root is the part that is used as a snuff. The book did not tell
Post by pautrey23x
much to sniff so I had to experiment. I found that about 1/32-
Post by pautrey23x
a teaspoon up the nostrils was effective for me. At times I would
dillute the bayberry with an equal part or less of goldenseal root
powder to lessen the irritating effects and add an antibiotic
It acts as a mild irritant that initiates a draining response and
Post by pautrey23x
times a violent sneezing respose. The effects reminded me of when
Post by pautrey23x
had to break the seal(remove) our gas masks(CX-tear gas/gas
Post by pautrey23x
during basic training at Ft. Dix, NJ. After using this for a few
Post by pautrey23x
my paranasal sinuses began to pop(hear & feel) and finally I had a
foul(rotten flesh odor) mucus drain out of my sinuses. The foul
Post by pautrey23x
taste was the same one that I experienced years before, after my
Post by pautrey23x
septal reconstruction when the nasal packing was removed (surgical
infection). After this foul drainage I went to an ENT. X-
ray=sinusitis. Augmentin! Within a few days to a week I developed
bronchitis and eventually pneumonia and pleurisy. I stayed in bed
Post by pautrey23x
about a month until I recovered. It was a spooky experience.
Although I felt tremendously better it still felt like I had sinus
problems and I still had environmental sensitivities, especially
Post by pautrey23x
moldy/musty odors and some chemicals(chlorine,strong chemical
odors,etc.). I should add that my severe night sweats were
Post by pautrey23x
after draining the rotten flesh odor from my sinuses. During this
period I accidently sniffed 3% hydrogen peroxide into my nostrils
thinking it was Alkolol(bottles are similar). The results were
Post by pautrey23x
to the bayberry and CX gas, relief. The effects of 3% HP are not
comfortable and I found lesser strengths were not as effective.
In 1995 I began to use colloidal silver sniffed or sprayed into my
nose. It gave me symptomatic relief. Grapefruit seed extract(GSE)
Post by pautrey23x
something I had been experimenting with(1994) as an oral
Post by pautrey23x
for my sinusitis and prostatitis but it would be a few years
Post by pautrey23x
would try it as a nasal wash and spray. About this time I heard a
radio program with Wayne Green talking about electrotherapy and
infections. Several years before that I had read Hulda Clark's
description of her zapper and made a photocopy of the circuit and
In about 1997 I began to use GSE as a nasal wash and spray.
Post by pautrey23x
drops to an ounce of distilled water gave me incredible relief.
Post by pautrey23x
more irritating it was, the more my sinuses drained, and the
better I
Post by pautrey23x
felt. After trying all these methods I still felt like I had
sinusitis, it just wasn't as bad as it had been prior to trying
Post by pautrey23x
bayberry snuff(1992). I wanted to eliminate my chronic sinusitis.
Sometime in about 1998 I read about a backcopy of Wayne Green's
Post by pautrey23x
communications magazine that had a schemetic(Thomas Miller) of a
colloidal silver generator and info about the " bioelectrifier " . I
built both and kept experimenting for a sinus cure. The
Post by pautrey23x
is also known as the Beck blood electrifier. I also built a Clark
One day I decided I would use the bioelectrifier on my face(over
paranasal sinuses) but I didn't experience anything. Then I got
Post by pautrey23x
idea of placing the electrodes in my nostrils. After
Post by pautrey23x
a while I found a place inside the nostrils that when stimulated a
violent sneezing attack would begin followed by a tremendous
Post by pautrey23x
virus tasting mucus drainage. I found the relief I had been
Post by pautrey23x
for. The more I used this method, the better I felt.
Being the curious person that I am, I wanted to determine why
Post by pautrey23x
area inside my nostrils produced the effects that I was
Post by pautrey23x
I tried wet electrodes and dry electrodes with no electrical
signal. I
Post by pautrey23x
tried wet Q-tips. The wet Q-tips produced good results with a
Post by pautrey23x
massage of one certain area. The stationary electrodes to the same
area with no signal produced a mild sneeze or two, but nothing
spectacular. I continued to use the bioelectrifier for a month or
Post by pautrey23x
little more until no more virus tasting mucus would drain and
then I
Post by pautrey23x
no longer felt like I had sinusitis(1999).
A few years went by with no sinus symptoms. I was curious about my
experience and some things I had read about orthodox and
Post by pautrey23x
electrotherapy. I need to mention that I have a college degree in
electronics and for 6 years I was in a USAR field hospital unit
as a
Post by pautrey23x
biomedical electronic technician(35G/U). Eventually I was also the
unit librarian and on the field sanitation team. My MS degree
Post by pautrey23x
was in biology and some things I had read/learned in a
Post by pautrey23x
course and self-study drove me to research and experiment with a
function(electrical signal) generator so I bought a B & K 4011A.
As my luck would have it, I came down with a bad acute sinus
Post by pautrey23x
in about 2002/2003. Migranes, environmental sensitivities, facial
pressure and pain,etc. It took me awhile to realize I again had a
sinus infection. I experimented with the B & K with no spectacular
results until I used 315Khz and 320Khz. Wow! The B & K did in less
Post by pautrey23x
a week what the bioelectrifier had taken over a month to do. But
Post by pautrey23x
the B & K you couldn't feel anything, no electrical stimulating
sensation. Again the drainage tasted like a virus.
This past winter I was away from home and staying in a very moldy
environment. My bathroom was saturated with black mold. I came
Post by pautrey23x
with one of the worst acute sinus and bronchial infections I have
Post by pautrey23x
had. I didn't have an electrotherapy device with me so I had to
Post by pautrey23x
on my immune system and the elimination of the bathroom mold. It
Post by pautrey23x
almost a month to get well.
1)Function Generator(-20db atten,full pos dc offset)-(Note)
2)Bioelectrifier(var freq)-(Note)
3)Wet Q-tips
4)</=4.5Vdc battery w/ 1Mohm pot-(Note)
5)GSE wash/spray(>/= 3 drops/oz dist H2O)
6)Bayberry root bark snuff(1/32-1/16tsp)
7)Hydrogen Peroxide(</= 3%)
Note- Always use cloth covered electrodes; I use 12ga silver
Place a finger on the bridge of your nose and slide it down until
Post by pautrey23x
feel where the nasal bone and cartilage(rhinion) meet. Under this
Post by pautrey23x
in the roof of your nostrils is about a 1/2 " area that is
Post by pautrey23x
to produce violent sneezing and extreme drainage. Vigorously, but
gently, massage this area with a wet Q-tip in each nostril at the
Post by pautrey23x
time. It may take 1-4 minutes until you react. With the electrical
methods you do not need to massage the area but move the
Post by pautrey23x
around slowly until you find a very sensitive spot. Keep them in
Post by pautrey23x
spot for 10 seconds or so and move them. Repeat. It can take 30
seconds to 5 minutes for the violent sneezing and drainage to
Post by pautrey23x
You really need some type of oral antiseptic and/or antibiotic to
prevent spread of infection to yourself or others(Soap, Peroxide,
Post by pautrey23x
Chlorine-equip & environ, Colloidal Silver, etc). Gargle, wash
nostrils, hands, and face. Wash/clean equipment and electrodes.
Post by pautrey23x
should also have some paper towels to wipe up the mucus off of
Post by pautrey23x
your surroundings. The first few times I used the bioelectrifier
Post by pautrey23x
drainage a few ounces of virus tasting mucus came out. On a few
occasions I have had a small amount of blood come out with the
Post by pautrey23x
Don't be alarmed over a small amount. Use common sense. If you
Post by pautrey23x
legitimate questions let me know.
Post by pautrey23x
, " rpautrey2 "
The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor
Boioelectrification Ideas for Sinusitis
Post by pautrey23x
March 19, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004 3:41 PM
Beck Blood Electrifier In Nostrils - Sinusitis
You can use the the device to treat and cure sinusitis by
Post by pautrey23x
electodes into each nostril and gently rubbing the upper part
Post by pautrey23x
nostrils.Be patient,it may take several minutes until they
Post by pautrey23x
you sneeze.Repeat often, it may take time.
Bad intestinal flora will change sinus flora and open you up to
infection,diet may need to be changed.You can drain infection
Post by pautrey23x
has been with you since birth.Many psychological,cognitive, and
neurological problems can be alleviated with this method.
Complementary therpies - raw garlic and buttermilk / yogurt for
restoration , colloidal silver spray (homemade) , distilled
water , etc. Do not take antibiotics.
Boioelectrification Ideas for Sinusitis
March 19, 2004
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: Beck Blood Electrifier In Nostrils - Sinusitis
You can use the the device to treat and cure sinusitis by placing the
electodes into each nostril and gently rubbing the upper part of the
nostrils.Be patient,it may take several minutes until they drain or
you sneeze.Repeat often, it may take time.
Bad intestinal flora will change sinus flora and open you up to
infection,diet may need to be changed.You can drain infection that has
been with you since birth.Many psychological,cognitive, and
neurological problems can be alleviated with this method.
Complementary therpies - raw garlic and buttermilk / yogurt for flora
restoration , colloidal silver spray (homemade) , distilled drinking
water , etc. Do not take antibiotics.
Post by pautrey23x
This is an edited post that has appeared in various places on the web.
These methods are effective for sinusitis, colds, flu, mcs, etc. The q-
tip method and electrode placement instructions are at the bottom of
this post. Paul Sinus Drainage Methods I used a Beck blood
electrifier(BE-thumper) with adjustable frequency control the first
time I discovered the area I mentioned applying the q-tips to(Original
Post Below). I do not use the BE in the intended manner and I built my
own. I use 12 gauge silver wire electrodes with wetted cotton flannel
sleeves. I used both 4hz and about 60hz (preferred-frequency where the
optic nerve/eye quits flashing) and started with the lowest currednt
setting working my way up to a tingling sensation. Apply the
electrodes to the same area as the q- tips but instead of moving them
around vigorously, find a sensitive area and leave them for 15-20
seconds before moving them again. Repeat this interval and/or move
slowly around in the mentioned area. It may take up to 4-5 minutes to
start a violent sneezing attack coupled with the drainage. Be
prepared, I voided what tasted like a virus and it actually gave me
slight cold/flu symptoms while performing this procedure. Keep on
slowly stimulating the area until you quit sneezing. I had a violent
sneezing attack that lasted about 4 minutes before it quit. The first
time I probably voided about a 1/5 cup of salty virus tasting mucus
and I got instant relief. I found doing it several times(2-3) daily
was the best approach. It took about 2 weeks for the virus taste to go
away and the mucus expelled was far less than at the beginning. I
didn't have sinusitis again for several years and I didn't give it
time to set in before attacking it. Two cautions: 1)The drainage may
be contagious, so be careful(CS,GSE,H2O2);2)On a few occasions a small
amount of blood would come out with the mucus but I never had a
running nose bleed and I never worried about it. Clean every thing you
sneeze/sling mucus on. You will probably get your shirt wet with
mucus. Be careful! Don't spread infection!!! I have posted my favorite
electronic method(BK) along with the Beck method on the Google
sinusitis group under the subject, "Sinus Drainage Methods". This
works much better, much faster, you don't need to use it as often or
as long to get the job done, and you can't feel anything. I use a BK
4011A Function Generator(standard electronic test instrument) with the
315Khz and 320Khz(start with one frequency for 5 minutes then go to
the other for same - be patient, sometimes you think it's not going to
work and it takes you by suprise), -20db attenuation(down 20db output-
very important), full positive DC offset, square wave, and full output
level(but down 20db; if you don't do this the output is very
uncomfortable). This is probably more than you wanted to know. The BK
can be ordered from electronics parts houses and probably costs about
$350.00. You can get a Beck schematic off of the internet to build
your own. Most parts can be bought at Radio Shack. You can also find
new and complete Beck units($50.00-$100.00) on the internet. I made my
own electrodes with 12 gauge silver wire and they are about 1.25
inches long. Use cotton cloth covers for the electrodes. I wet the
electrodes with colloidal silver or distilled water. You can find
silver wire on the internet. Good Luck, Paul > Paul, > > Thanks for
the info. What is the electronic method you mentioned? > > Thanks > >
___________________________________________ > Reply to: > > > -----
Sinusitis/MCS (Sinus Drainage Methods) > >I made a mistake. I have
posted these sinus drainage methods > in several groups but this is
not one of them. For quick sinus relief > try the following: Slide
your finger down the ridge of your nose > until you come to the
junction where bone becomes cartilage. Directly > under your finger at
this junction, on the ceiling of each nostril > are two very sensitive
areas about 3/4" in diameter. Take two wet q- > tips and insert one
into each nostril. Massage the sensitive areas > simultaneously, and
vigorously but gently. Within a few minutes you > will experience a
violent sneezing attack followed by sinus cavity > drainage. Continue
to massage until you get relief. Do this > frequently. I cured my
sinusitis using a similar method (electronic). > It's a good idea to
gargle and rinse your nasal passages with an > alternative antibiotic
like cs or gse to prevent the introduction of > drained infection into
your throat, lungs, etc. Also clean anything > you sneezed on.
On the sneeze-reflex and its control
Volume: 45 - Issue: 3
Firstpage: 218 - Lastpage: 219
D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger
Experiments in cats have shown that sneezing can be induced using low
intensity electrical current. This study focusses on answering the
question whether the sneezing-reflex can also be induced in man
through electrical stimulation, whether it is reproducible, and if the
response can be abolished pharmacologically? Three healthy males were
tested using intranasal stimulation in different parts of the nose
usinga current from an electric pulse generator. Using currents in the
range 2–11 mA, it was possible to induce and reproduce sneezing in the
anterior portion of the nose corresponding to the distribution area of
the anterior ethmoidal nerve. In one tested subject, local
anaesthetics applied to the mucous membranes of the nose abolished the
Sneeze reflex-reduction may be one way to reduce viral contamination
between subjects. Further research could include pharmacological
investigations to identify a sneeze-inhibiting substance with small
risks for side effects that can be added to common cold nasal sprays.
D. Hyd?©n - S. Arlinger - On the sneeze-reflex and its control
Rhinology 45-3: 218-219, 2007
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